52 year old Sugar Mamma Looking for Ben 10’s family
52 year old ELIZABETH Rwexana and her Ben 10 Mario Chachuario (37) lived together for seven years.
When Mario fell ill in 2013, the dedicated Elizabeth took care of him even though it cost her more money than she could afford . . .
Mario died earlier this month. Elizabeth was unable to find his family and had to bury her beloved man without them even knowing he was dead.
The heartbroken Elizabeth said they never made contact with Mario’s family over the years they were together. She wants to locate them.
She said on top of that she has been left with a ton of debt that she acquired while taking care of her sick lover and his funeral.
It all happened at Lindelani squatter camp in Tembisa, Ekurhuleni.
“Mario and I were good friends and dated since 2008 and stayed together ever since.
“Two years ago he started getting sick. I was unable to locate or tell his family as it was impossible to track them down.
“We heard that his brother was living around Tembisa but we couldn’t trace him either.
“Now he has died and was buried without his family’s knowledge . . .” said Elizabeth.
Mario originally comes from Maputo in Mozambique.
He died on 5 December and was buried over the weekend at Waterfall Cemetery in Midrand.
Elizabeth said she managed to give him a decent burial with the help of the Lindelani community, but she still needed help in locating Mario’s family and to recover her debt as well.
Read: “I need help so badly that I don’t know what to do anymore. I owe the mashonisas and the undertaker who helped me bury Mario.
“I’m really desperate and I would appreciate if the family could come forward,” said Elizabeth.
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