Ways to fix a hangover
Cure 1: Vigorous Shag
Why? Exercise gets your sluggish lymph system moving, helping to eliminate toxins, plus that post-workout endorphin rush perks you up. But, honestly, who feels like lacing up their takkies while in the throes of babalas? Sex has all the same benefits, but you don’t have to get out of bed, get dressed or be seen by strangers. (Note: This only works when you and your partner are both equally pickled and smelling like the same brewery.)
Cure 2: A Dose Of Milk Thistle
Ideally, you should have popped this natural liver supplement before bed, washed down with a litre of water. But, failing that, take two tablets with water and a bite of whatever you can stand to eat as soon as you half-open your eyes. Then two more every three hours until you’re feeling human again.
Cure 3: Watered-Down Fruit Juice
Half fresh OJ, half ice water – it’s refreshing and hydrating. The orange juice adds a dose of electrolytes and vitamins. Even better – get your hands on fresh veggie juice for a vitamin and antioxidant bomb. Add some ginger to help settle a queasy stomach.