SHOCKING: SA patient steals an Ambulance
A 35-year-old male patient allegedly stole an ambulance on December 31, 2015.
Johannes Ramoseme said his nephew was vandalising their house at number 25 Maokeng and he called the police for help.
“The police came but they said they don’t arrest insane people. We told them about his mental condition but still they were not willing to help,” said Mr Ramoseme.
Mr Ramoseme went to the Tembisa Police Station to seek clarity.
He was advised to call an ambulance.
He said when the ambulance came the mentally ill patient co-operated and went into the ambulance.
“While the EMS employees were talking to me the ambulance drove off. We launched a search,” said Mr Ramoseme.
Ekurhuleni Emergency Services media officer Aaron Mafunda said: “The ambulance assistant left the vehicle and went to the family to ask for a person who could accompany the patient to the hospital. After a while the driver also left the ambulance to ask the assistant to hurry up,” said Ekurhuleni Emergency Services media officer Aaron Mafunda.
They allegedly saw the ambulance driving off. The ambulance was found around noon in Vusumuzi Simunye settlements on the same day. It had been driven into an empty shack. Mafunda said the shack’s occupants away for festive season holidays.
Ekurhuleni Metro Police Department’s Chief Superintendent Bheki Nhlapho said a case of theft and malicious damage to property, reckless and negligent driving would be opened.