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Facebook imposter steals Muvhango Nonny's identity

An unknown scoundrel masquerading as voluptuous Muvhango actress Phindile Gwala is allegedly wreaking havoc on Facebook.

The black guard, who impersonated Gwala, has allegedly been hurling insults at the yellow bone actress's Facebook fans in a bid to damage her brand.
Among the things posted by the rogue on the social media network were notices of false job offers at a retail store and gossip about other celebs, including her colleagues at Muvhango.
In one post, the charlatan posted "Five things you need to know about Macdonald Ndou", KK in the multilingual soapie.
Desperate to stop the mischief , Gwala, who plays Nonny on the show, allegedly wrote to Facebook mandarins requesting them to delete the page.
This was after being advised to do so by her brief.
But the social network bosses took her from pillar to post.
She also reported the matter to Muvhango bosses, who vowed to help her.
Gwala confirmed an unknown prankster created a phony account using her name and photos, and hurled derogative epithets at her fans and acquaintances.
"I discovered it late last year," she said. "I tried to report it to Facebook and had no joy. From their response, it looks like they are unable to close that page."
Gwala said she had no idea who the rogue was.
"I have no suspect and it's upsetting."
She confirmed she reported the matter to the soapie's producers.
Muvhango publicist Amanda Ngudle confirmed the actress reported the matter, but said they were yet to forge a way forward.
"No, we have not intervened but are looking at different options in doing so," she said.

source: Sunday world

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