Rest in Peace: Koyo Bala surrendered to a battle with cancer this morning
The musician surrendered to a battle with cancer this morning at Groote Schuur hospital in Cape Town.
In the recent past Bala has staged a brave fight against cancer and had been diagnosed HIV positive.
Speaking for the family longtime friend and housemate Ephraim "Ephymol" Molingoana told Sowetanlive that Bala always kept a positive outlook and remained strong throughout his illness.
Koyo Bala was a member of 3Sum, Jeff Moyo and Amstel Maboa. Bala had hinted at a comeback to the music scene when he posted a picture in studio captioned "Let's go back to the beat".
Maboa is now the only remaining member of the group as Bala’s death follows that of Jeff Moyo who was laid to rest in 2010.
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Source: Sunday world