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Nomzamo Mbatha narrates her painful past

nomzamoWith extreme weather hitting various parts of South Africa, actress Nomzamo Mbatha has taken to her Twitter account to share a heartfelt account of her childhood.

"Rainy days like this set me back. Makes my heart ache on how far one has come...I literally used to talk to myself whilst walking in it," she said on her Twitter page.

She went on to explain that all of the hardship made her even more determined to better herself.

"Promising myself that one day I would have a car and not have to walk in the rain again. That I'd work really hard to change my narrative."

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Nomzamo says that the hardest part of the rain was getting to school soaked.

"The most heartbreaking part was getting to school soaking wet. Socks, uniform ALLES.Oh and my backpack, with all my schoolbooks"

Her messages received massive support from her fans, with some even telling their own stories of how their childhoods were filled with hardships.

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