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Mandela quotes, on your smartphone

Who said: “Few things make the life of a parent more rewarding and sweet as successful children”?
What about: “A blind pursuit of cheap popularity has nothing to do with revolution”?
Still don’t know?
Don’t fret, help is at hand.
The Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF) has developed and launched the authorised Nelson Mandela Quotations app to bring Madiba’s words to the palm of your hand.
The app is available in two formats: a free, lite version and a paid-for premium version. The lite version sends you a daily quote from one of the world’s most inspirational moral leaders.
The premium version grants subscribers access to a database of thousands of Mandela quotes, ranging from the value of children and the importance of education to reflections on forgiveness. There is also a quote of the day.
It allows you to search for a quotation to suit any occasion. The premium version costs $4.99 (R70).
Both versions are available on the Android and IOS platforms.
The quotes have been drawn from Nelson Mandela by Himself: The Authorised Book of Quotations, published in 2011, co-edited by NMF chief executive Sello Hatang and senior researcher Sahm Venter.
Neeran Naidoo, the communications director of the NMF, says Nelson Mandela remains an inspiration to all – for his charismatic personality, motivational leadership, moral authority and great intellect.
“Nelson Mandela’s writings and words are timeless and resonate around the world. We’ve made it easy to access the quote from the palm of your hand.
“The app ensures that Nelson Mandela’s words will be documented for generations to come.”
Naidoo adds that the quotes have been drawn from Mandela’s official papers, speeches, recorded interviews, letters, diary extracts as well as impromptu remarks over a period of 63 years.
The NMF will be running a digital media competition for one lucky winner to win a premium version of the app.
All you need to do is download the lite version, select your favourite quote and share it via Twitter

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