Chinese firm caught manufacturing fake co.n.doms for South Africa
The demand for goods of reputable or status-oriented brands has always been high, if not always growing. This is what makes the goods vulnerable to being counterfeited. It seems that condoms are not exempt from this.
Police in Shanghai on Tuesday uncovered a manufacturing workshop making bogus Durex cond-oms which were to be sent to South Africa,.
Police in Shanghai on Tuesday uncovered a manufacturing workshop making bogus Durex cond-oms which were to be sent to South Africa,.
The fake cond-oms were reportedly sold online under well-known brands like Durex, Casanova and LoversPlus to South African hotels.
About 3 million cond-oms which were being sold at Two Rand(2 ZAR) each are reported to have been confiscated.
In addition to being of an inferior quality that puts customers at risk of infection, the condoms are said to contain an offensive smell, according to Chinese police.
While we may be accustomed to seeing rip-offs of popular labels being sold on street corners and in some shops, condoms are obviously are different matter. This ought to be seen as a crime against humanity!