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R.I.P. LEGENDARY Actor, Sports Commentator And Ukhozi FM Presenter DIES.

LEGENDARY actor, sports commentator and former Ukhozi FM  presenter Shadrack Ngema, better known as Magubane, is dead.
The SABC1 Emzini Wezinsizwa’s resident inyanga died at Prince Mshiyeni in Umlazi, Durban on Saturday night. His brother Mandla  (50) said the family rushed him to hospital after he experienced breathing problems on Saturday night.
“He died while doctors were treating him. My brother was fine until last week when he started experiencing heart failure. On Saturday, we rushed him to hospital but unfortunately he died,” said Mandla.
He said the family was saddened as he had retired just three years ago. Mandla added that the family was waiting for his son, Dumisani who is still in France, to finalise funeral arrangements. Ngema joined Ukhozi FM 1977 while it was still Radio Zulu after freelancing for SABC TV as a
sports commentator. SABC radio sports head, Joe Hudla, described Ngema as very straight forward but at the same time funny.
“We knew each other very well and were very close. Shadrack would tell you straight if he disagreed with what you were doing,” said Joe.

Another of Ngema’s colleagues at the public broadcaster, Irvin Sihlophe, said: “He was like a father to me. He welcomed me with open arms when I joined the sports section.”

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