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Watch LIVE: IEC Announcing final results

ceiWatch the video of the IEC declaring the results of elections 2016.

President Jacob Zuma has finally shown his face at the national results centre of the IEC in Tshwane with the last few votes in the Johannesburg metro being counted. The ANC will be winning the metro, but not with a majority as before.


It was perhaps fitting that president Jacob Zuma's address to the IEC should take a strange turn. And so it did when four women dressed in black stood up between him and the audience, holding placards recalling the allegation that he had raped a woman.


Zuma was found not guilty of the rape, but the silent protestors held placards saying 'Kwezi' - the name of the woman who claimed to have been raped, 'remember' and '10 years later'.

When he finished speaking, security moved in to deal with the protesters.

Zuma had persevered with his speech as photographers gathered to take pictures. He uttered the usual platitudes. "Our democracy is maturing and we congratulate our people."

It was a little ironic that the signal of 'maturity'  was the fact that the ANC lost key metros.

The IEC's Terry Tselani rose afterwards to apologise to Zuma and to appeal "to the security personnel to treat the situation with sensitivity."

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