Multi-party government a success story, says Mashaba

City of Johannesburg mayor Herman Mashaba has hailed the EFF for helping run a successful multi-party government.
Mashaba, delivering his third state of the city address, said the successful coalition was proof that parties could achieve a lot when working together.
“This multi-party government has, without doubt, succeeded in bringing change to the residents of our city. We have brought change that is stopping corruption, delivering services and creating jobs," he said.
He mentioned the in-sourcing of 2800 security guards as one of their success stories.
"I stood with these guards when this phase of in sourcing was implemented, and what it meant to them and their families cannot be described in words," said Mashaba.
He said a further 800 guards had recently been directly employed by the city. According to Mashaba, 1500 cleaners are also set to benefit from the insourcing program.
"They too will enjoy taking home salaries increasing by a minimum of 50%, and the benefits of full-time employment," said.
"The insourcing program, when combining Pikitup, security personnel and cleaning will see the lives of 6,000 families benefit from improved household income and the dignity of full-time employment."
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